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Living an Unhealthy Lifestyle when Pregnant, Be Careful of the Impact, You know

Like to eat carelessly, often stay up late, and still like smoking or consuming alcoholic beverages during pregnancy? Be careful, you know! Unhealthy lifestyle like this can bring adverse effects on the health of pregnant women and the fetus. Unwittingly, unhealthy lifestyles that are usually lived before pregnancy are sometimes still done while pregnant. In fact, during the 9 months of pregnancy, pregnant women need to live a healthy lifestyle so that the fetus in pregnant women is also healthy. Risks that can arise if you live an unhealthy lifestyle during pregnancy are the emergence of health problems that can interfere with growth and health of the fetus, including obesity, hypertension, and diabetes.

The Impacts that Lurk Mother and Fetus in the Womb

These problems are some of the problems that can occur if a pregnant woman continues to lead an unhealthy lifestyle during pregnancy:

1. Lack of nutrition

The habit that often carries into pregnancy is eating fast food. Did you know that most fast foods don't have the nutrients needed by pregnant women and the fetus? If not balanced with healthy food consumption, eating fast food continuously can cause pregnant women to lack certain nutrients. In addition, eating this type of food can also increase the risk of excessive weight gain during pregnancy.

2. Diabetes and hypertension

The habit of consuming sweet foods or foods that contain lots of salt, such as french fries, pizza, popcorn, canned foods, and frozen foods, can also be carried away during pregnancy. Be careful, Mother. Foods that are high in sugar and salt (sodium / sodium) can cause pregnant women to have diabetes and hypertension, you know. Diabetes in pregnancy is called gestational diabetes. Pregnant women who experience this condition will be more at risk for developing diabetes after giving birth. The fetus they carry is also more at risk for preterm birth, overweight birth, respiratory problems, or hypoglycemia (low blood sugar levels). While hypertension in pregnancy can make pregnant women at risk of cardiovascular disorders (heart and blood vessels), and giving birth to premature babies or babies with low weight.

3. Fetal development is inhibited

When pregnant, the habit of staying up late which was often done can also carry over, you know. Moreover, pregnancy can also make pregnant women more difficult to sleep. In fact, pregnant women need adequate rest during pregnancy to stay fit and healthy. The habit of staying up late and lack of sleep during pregnancy is often associated with the emergence of gestational diabetes and preeclampsia. Lack of rest can also inhibit fetal growth and development in pregnant women. Why is that? Because if pregnant women often lack sleep, growth hormone production will be disrupted. This is what makes the fetal growth and development process so inhibited.

4. Baby with disabilities

Do you still smoke, consume alcohol or even use drugs during pregnancy? You better stop it immediately, Bun! This habit will greatly affect the development of the fetus in the womb. Smoking, consuming alcoholic beverages, or using drugs during pregnancy can increase the risk of miscarriage, premature birth, low birth weight, or birth defects. Mother certainly do not want this to happen to Little? Habits or unhealthy lifestyles that are still carried out during pregnancy will not only affect pregnant women's health, but also the health of the fetus in pregnant women. Immediately stop bad habits and adopt a healthy lifestyle from now on, so that your little one can grow well and be born healthy.


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